Dvanguard LTD is a care and support service provider for adults, young people and children. We provide specialised mental health support and care services across London, Kent, Essex and other surrounding areas

All our carers and staff members undergo extensive training and shadowing to build and maintain adequate level or skills and professionalism required to deliver care effectively

We look after people with physical disabilities, substance abuse, mental impairment or any other form of disability requiring a form of support towards gaining independence

We are deeply committed to providing dignified, respectful care to help people live fulfilling, independent lives.

We’re an independent firm, based in the heart of your community, and our small team gets to know each of our clients on an individual basis.

Our committed carers always look beyond the care plan to deliver the little things that make a big difference.

Dvanguard Process

Getting started with our service is easily described in the four steps below:
  • Step 1Request Assesment

    This is when a request for care of initiated by the service user or their representative
  • Step 2Initial Assesment Carried Out

    Our team of professionals and care coordinator carry out a detailed assesment, risk analysis and risk management plan before propose a care plan for the service user
  • Step 3Stakeholders Meeting

    All stakeholders meet to discuss and agree on care plan and other necessary actions required to complete package establishment
  • Step 4Care Starts

    Dvanguard delivers exceptional care to the service user

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Care & Support Services